Unlock the Power with our QR Codes
Connect Effortlessly, Market Effectively, and Grow Your Business
For reestaurants anD hotels
Secure & contactless Digital menu
Especially during COVID-19 times, QR codes help your guests stay safer and more comfortable. Use QR codes to connect users to your digital menu, send your feedback on your social media, or issue coupons to retain your users.
Totally Ads Free
When creating trackable dynamic QR Codes on our platform, it would be technically very easy to show banners or display an ad before redirecting the user to actual landing page. There are many vendors who use this business model – We don’t!
Export features
As a registered user you can easily export all your data in . csv Format. Get a list of all your QR Codes with the shorted URL, the original URL, the creation date, first & last scan date, the number of scans, the number of unique visitors and page impressions, the location, notes and longitude & latitude. And much more......
Programing Skills Not Needed
In the integrated content management system you can update the content of your landing pages at any time.
For example you have new social profiles that you want to add or the address of your company changes - simple edit the information in the landing page editor.
QR Code Management
An Easy and Flexible QR Code Management Tool.
why we do it
We’ve been there
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We want to bring innovation
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis.
What they say

Marie Jones
These 2 testimonials are just after you’ve introduced your business, so they should focus on how great the products are and why they are worth trusting.
Clara parker
These 2 testimonials are just after you’ve introduced your business, so they should focus on how great the products are and why they are worth trusting.
7 days Free Trial
Main features
[swpm_payment_button id=947 button_text="Paypal Checkout"]
[swpm_payment_button id=225 button_text="Credit card Checkout" class="my-stripe-button"]
[swpm_payment_button id=547 button_text="Credit card Checkout" class="my-stripe-button"]

7 days Free Trial
Main features
[swpm_payment_button id=946 button_text="Subscribe with Paypal"]
[swpm_payment_button id=138 button_text="Subscribe with Credit card" class="my-stripe-button"]
[swpm_payment_button id=765 button_text="Subscribe Now" class="my-stripe-button"]

7 days Free Trial
Main features
[swpm_payment_button id=947 button_text="Subscribe with Paypal"]

Basic: 6 Weeks
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque finibus commodo nibh, ut elementum velit sollicitudin at. Donec suscipit commodo risus. Nunc vel orci eget ligula elementum consequat. Fusce velit erat, convallis scelerisque aliquet ut, facilisis egestas tellus. Quisque sit amet sapien placerat, ultricies sapien ut, vestibulum ex.
[swpm_payment_button id=921 button_text="Subscribe with Paypal"]
[swpm_payment_button id=225 button_text="Subscribe with Credit card" class="my-stripe-button"]
[swpm_payment_button id=547 button_text="Subscribe with Credit card" class="my-stripe-button"]

Intensive: 12 Weeks
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque finibus commodo nibh, ut elementum velit sollicitudin at. Donec suscipit commodo risus. Nunc vel orci eget ligula elementum consequat. Fusce velit erat, convallis scelerisque aliquet ut, facilisis egestas tellus. Quisque sit amet sapien placerat, ultricies sapien ut, vestibulum ex.
[swpm_payment_button id=921 button_text="Subscribe with Paypal"]
[swpm_payment_button id=225 button_text="Subscribe with Credit card" class="my-stripe-button"]
[swpm_payment_button id=547 button_text="Subscribe with Credit card" class="my-stripe-button"]

Ultra: 24 Weeks
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque finibus commodo nibh, ut elementum velit sollicitudin at. Donec suscipit commodo risus. Nunc vel orci eget ligula elementum consequat. Fusce velit erat, convallis scelerisque aliquet ut, facilisis egestas tellus. Quisque sit amet sapien placerat, ultricies sapien ut, vestibulum ex.
[swpm_payment_button id=921 button_text="Subscribe with Paypal"]
[swpm_payment_button id=225 button_text="Subscribe with Credit card" class="my-stripe-button"]
[swpm_payment_button id=547 button_text="Subscribe with Credit card" class="my-stripe-button"]

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